Saturday, March 8, 2025

Most recent articles by:

Tom Fang

This is a guest post by Tom Fang, the founder of iPyxel Creations. Tom is an accomplished affiliate marketer in the dating vertical and has recently released the POF 7-Day Mastery Guide, a comprehensive guide to scale and profitability on the Plenty of Fish platform. iPyxel is currently developing an optimization platform for POF, and its site currently provides free tutorials, software tools, and marketing insights. Subscribe to their mailing list now to stay updated on the latest and get subscriber-only tools.

How to Kill Dating Offers from the Dating Guru

Go International for Broke Most affiliates are still not doing this, and I have no idea why. International dating has much less competition than US,...

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Data, Dance, and Daring Campaigns: Erin Levzow’s Approach to Building Loyalty

How Mango Habanero, Metrics, and Masterful Moves Redefined Marketing...

Streaming’s Big Lie: The Future of TV Is Already Broke

Streaming was supposed to be the savior of TV—the...

How to Narrow the Scope of Information Sought by an FTC Civil Investigative Demand (CID)

A civil investigative demand (“CID”) is the instrument by...

The Good, the Bad, and the SPO-ly

The Hidden Flaws Behind Ad Tech’s Favorite Buzzword. Supply Path...

 2024: Goodbye Impressions, Hello Attention

Attention Metrics: The Ad Industry’s New Favorite Buzzword  2024 will...

Display Advertising: The Zombie That Refuses to Die (And Why You Should Care)

Ah, display ads. Like bell-bottoms and vinyl, they’ve been...

Ditch the Dirty Blanket: Facing the Funky Truth of Ad Spend

Look, marketing land is littered with marketers clinging to...

When Ad Titans Tango: Omnicom and IPG’s $25 Billion Waltz to Dominance

In a move that has the advertising world clutching...

Drew Stein: Master of the Hadron Helm, Now Steering Experian’s Adtech Ship

There’s now a saying in adtech: when PR people...