Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Kevin Wallach

Kevin Wallach has worked in Internet Performance Marketing for seven years. He currently runs Paradox M, Inc. based in Dallas Georgia. Specializing in lead generation he also has experience with list management, SMS advertising, and offline media. A self-proclaimed family guy, Kevin is also passionate about his professional life, writing, history, social and professional activism, and living a balanced life.

Like Cash? How about cash for Likes?

Short and sweet, if you are not already being paid to generate social media actions for your advertisers you probably will be soon enough. ...

Amazon’s Sneak Attack on Google (and You)

Ok so I'll admit the title was a blatant act of sensationalism.  Sorry about that.  But when I read about Amazon's entry into the...

Netflix subscribers today, your subscribers tomorrow.

All the fuss over Netflix yesterday started me thinking about what a great day it is to be an affiliate marketer with a nice...

Amazon Takes Deal Screws Affils

Let's play some word association.  Ready? Now, please tell me the first thing in your mind was the name "Benedict Arnold".  No?  Well hold that...

SMS Marketing Regulation & Guidelines

Email marketers will likely feel a bit of déjà vu here but at the risk of sounding like an echo I’m going to say...

Smart phone Apps & Copyright Infringement

My two year old son loves my smart phone.  I would go so far as to say he is much fonder of it than...

Jean Maurice Touboul Makes Video Watchers Click-Happy

Performance marketing is all about change.  While today’s buzz may be mostly about mobile marketing, tomorrow’s hot topic could easily be video. According to...

Home Warranty Leads: Questions and Answers for Marketers

Home warranty, one of my recent topics, generated quite a few questions from readers.  I would like to address some of them here for...

Must read

Data, Dance, and Daring Campaigns: Erin Levzow’s Approach to Building Loyalty

How Mango Habanero, Metrics, and Masterful Moves Redefined Marketing...

Streaming’s Big Lie: The Future of TV Is Already Broke

Streaming was supposed to be the savior of TV—the...

How to Narrow the Scope of Information Sought by an FTC Civil Investigative Demand (CID)

A civil investigative demand (“CID”) is the instrument by...

The Good, the Bad, and the SPO-ly

The Hidden Flaws Behind Ad Tech’s Favorite Buzzword. Supply Path...

 2024: Goodbye Impressions, Hello Attention

Attention Metrics: The Ad Industry’s New Favorite Buzzword  2024 will...

Display Advertising: The Zombie That Refuses to Die (And Why You Should Care)

Ah, display ads. Like bell-bottoms and vinyl, they’ve been...

Ditch the Dirty Blanket: Facing the Funky Truth of Ad Spend

Look, marketing land is littered with marketers clinging to...

When Ad Titans Tango: Omnicom and IPG’s $25 Billion Waltz to Dominance

In a move that has the advertising world clutching...

Drew Stein: Master of the Hadron Helm, Now Steering Experian’s Adtech Ship

There’s now a saying in adtech: when PR people...