Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Gary V’s Ten Commandments for the Attention Economy (Thou Shalt Day Trade Thy Audience)

Lou Paskalis gives us a gem from Gary Vaynerchuk’s wisdom vault. It’s a Top Ten list for marketers that’ll leave you scratching your head—or maybe just nodding along while pretending to understand why he’s calling himself a “day trader of attention.”

So, without further ado, here’s Gary V’s marketing gospel, or as he might call it, “10 Things You Should Tattoo on Your Eyelids Before You Can Truly Excel in Marketing.”

  1. “I day trade attention and build businesses.” – Gary’s out here hustling on the Attention Exchange, buying low and selling high. Some people trade stocks; Gary flips attention like it’s NFTs.
  2. “Simplicity and gratitude are the currency of my life.” – Forget Bitcoin; Gary’s working with ‘gratitude coins’ and the ‘simplicity dollar,’ both currently worth about as much as a motivational poster. But hey, the man’s grateful.
  3. “The distribution of information is the way our society works.” – Gary’s cracked the code on society, folks. We run on the information superhighway! Who knew?
  4. “Social media has become the foundation of all societal truths, globally.” – News flash: your grandma’s Facebook feed is now the foundation of truth. If social media says it, it’s gotta be real. Just remember, don’t believe anything you read, unless it’s from Gary.
  5. “Politics is better at marketing than all corporations.” – There’s a lesson in here for every corporate marketer: if you want loyalty, try campaign rallies instead of customer reviews. Who needs brand loyalty when you’ve got political fervor?
  6. “Corporations miss the mark on how they treat people.” – Seems obvious, but in case your boss needs to hear it: stop treating people like dollar signs and more like, you know, humans. (Crazy idea, right?)
  7. “The industry is flawed with its obsession on yesterday.” – Nostalgia’s cute, but when your brand’s glory days are set in the ‘90s, maybe it’s time to reevaluate.
  8. “The industry is flawed with its obsession on tomorrow.” – Here’s a hot take: crystal ball gazing isn’t a strategy. Quit worrying about whether TikTok will still be a thing in 2050 and focus on making today work.
  9. “The industry is flawed with its lack of focus on today.” – Basically, don’t daydream or dwell—do. Right now. This very second. Don’t even finish this sentence…GO!
  10. “Convincing is a very challenging endeavor in corporations because everyone in the company has different KPIs.” – In other words, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand’s KPI is. If you’ve ever tried to herd cats, you know what Gary’s talking about.

So, there you have it, the Vaynerchuk playbook: hustle, day trade that attention, and stay grateful…for the insanity that is corporate life. Thanks, Gary! We’ll see if this one makes it to our next team-building retreat.

Pesach Lattin
Pesach Lattinhttp://www.adotat.com
Pesach "Pace" Lattin is one of the top experts in interactive advertising, affiliate marketing. Pesach Lattin is known for his dedication to ethics in marketing, and focus on compliance and fraud in the industry, and has written numerous articles for publications from MediaPost, ClickZ, ADOTAS and his own blogs.

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