Monday, March 31, 2025

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Discovering Values during #Covid19

As weeks are turning into months in our new normal, I’ve found it helpful to spend time focusing on the progress being made in the fight against COVID-19 and on the signs that we are slowly approaching a potential recovery.

I’m especially encouraged by the fact that the entire global medical community is working in a way never seen before to develop a vaccine in record time. Multiple medical companies are testing potential treatments and governments are planning testing and mitigation strategies, a key to reopening economies.

In the meantime, the best thing we can do is continue to stay safe and support each other. With that in mind, I wanted to share a few more resources that I hope you’ll find helpful.

Discovering core values

As we each are faced with important short- and long-term decisions during this crisis, I can’t think of a better time to focus on clarifying what your core values are.

I have been asked to share some of the curriculum we’ve developed with our leaders at Acceleration Partners on the “how” of discovering core values. I provided an introduction to this content on LinkedIn Live last week and am now developing a long-form course on how to discover, develop and apply core values in your personal and professional life. That’s coming in May and you can sign up via this form for more information.

Effective crisis leadership

  • Jacinda Ardern: The New Zealand Prime Minster has demonstrated excellent empathetic leadership throughout the crisis. By combining quick, decisive action with vulnerable, thoughtfulFacebook Live videos to the public, Ardern has built unity in her country and has led by example.The results are also impressive.
  • Stockdale Paradox: I focused last week’s Friday Forward on this brilliant concept from management guru Jim Collins. This is a vital lesson for leading others during a challenging time.

Stress, parenting and relationships

  • Lynn Smith: Parenting is a vital form of leadership. Smith’s article on how to balance parenting and work in a chaotic new normal serves as an excellent reminder that we all need to give ourselves a break. My favorite quote from her article is, “We cannot shield our children from this crisis, but it’s quite possible that because we can’t, they will grow and stretch in uncomfortable but meaningful ways.”
  • Unlocking Us by Brené Brown: This is a great podcast episode on relationships and connection by the world’s leading thinker on vulnerability. My favorite takeaway is that even the healthiest relationships are never consistently 50/50 and that we need to move away from this myth.
  • Global Stress Summit: Dr. Heidi Hanna, a world-renowned expert on stress and human performance, created a free virtual summit on managing stress that featured some of the world’s premier stress experts. You can find out more from my conversation with Heidi on LinkedIn Live.

Helpful resources

  • Scribe Book School: I’ve come across so many people who’ve talked about wanting to write a book. For many, this unique situation we’re in provides the ideal time. Founded by four-time New York Times bestselling author Tucker Max, Scribe Media is offering a free course to help aspiring authors write, edit and publish their first book.
  • Webinar with Verne Harnish: Verne is one of the world’s top experts on business growth. In case you missed his April 8th training on leading during chaos, you can watch the recording.
  • Liquidating Inventory with Affiliate Marketing: Brands looking to turn inventory into cash can use affiliate marketing as an effective tactic. This article from Acceleration Partners President Matt Wool explains how.

Elevate e-book

Thanks to everyone who took advantage of our free Elevate e-book deal earlier this month. If you downloaded the e-book and got value from it, I would love if you could leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. This is the best way to help other readers discover the content.

I’m also excited to announce that Elevate is now included on Kindle Unlimited. If you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber and haven’t read Elevate yet, you can get the e-book free through that service.

I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy.

Robert Glazer
Robert Glazer
Robert Glazer is the founder of Acceleration Partners, a digital strategy and marketing agency for rapidly-growing consumer products and services companies. Acceleration Partners manages some of the industry’s top-performing affiliate marketing programs including adidas, Shutterfly, Tiny Prints, One King’s Lane, Blurb, Tea Collection, Shoedazzle, and Layla Grace. He is also a board member of the Performance Marketing Association.

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