The Belgian Chamber of Representatives has approved a new mandate that is targeting digital marketers in general, and those who promote gambling sites in particular. This is done through a new set of advertising standards that are designed to reel in some marketers in the country that are promoting gambling, sports betting, and other related services.
Those familiar with the issue said that this is essentially a ban on all betting and/or gambling advertising during sporting broadcasts. Not surprisingly, sports betting companies primarily want to advertise just before, and during, a sporting event, so this could cause a lot of trouble.
The exact details of the new regulations aren’t yet released, but the warnings that have come out indicate that they could make life much more difficult for the typical marketer in the country. The provisions were drafted by Belgium’s National Lottery, which one might think shows a clear conflict of interest, not that anything can be done about it at this point.
Any marketer who works in Belgium, or promotes products there, will want to do additional research on the issue. This is especially true for those promoting any type of sports betting, casino, or other gambling services. Keeping an eye out for additional information regarding how this will impact advertising in the area can help to avoid violating any new regulations.