Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Two Times You Should Keep Doing Business With Breitbart

There are two times when you should consider doing business with Breitbart News.

 1) When you agree with their politics

2) When you disagree with their politics

Bowl of Cereal
Breitbart Readers Breakfast

How can it be both times?   Because your agreement with their politics is irrelevant to your business.

Do you really think your customers are thinking about politics when they are eating breakfast in the morning while rushing to get ready for work, kids ready for school and get their coffee made?  Yes Kelloggs I am calling you out.

Do you customers spend time there?  That is the only question.

Business is business.   You will never find any company that fully agrees with your political stances.   Zero chance.

So the only question that matters is… will continuing to do business with this company be beneficial to my customers?

Yes Breitbart is going to be controversial.  You may catch some flack from a portion of your clients.   

Grow up.  Do you really think that your clients are a single coherent mass of political beliefs?   

Did you enjoy raising unicorns when you were growing up?  

When political beliefs become the only reason for doing business with someone, we will have entered an echo chamber so deep that we may never recover from it.

Do business with Breitbart and educate their readers who aren’t your current customers why they should be.  While Breitbart and their publications have been portrayed by many as being the devil, do you really think so?  Or do they represent a differing viewpoint than yours?

Do Breitbart readers buy your products?   If the answer is yes, then do business with them.  

As a business owner you have a fiduciary responsibility to your shareholders (if you are public) to maximize their value.   If you are putting that below your political beliefs, you may have some explaining to do on Wall Street.

If you are privately owned you have a lot more leeway.  You can choose to not do business with them either privately or publicly.  No one requires you to do business with them.   

If you choose not to do business with them, good for you.   Don’t go broadcasting it or boycotting them unless you are just looking for free publicity and can handle the heat of that fire.

Most business owners should be more concerned about creating value for their customers than trying to influence their political beliefs.

America is a huge melting pot.  We have a wide ranging set of political beliefs.  You may agree with some things that get published on Breitbart while disagreeing with others.

Your clients will be the same way.  Some will agree more than you.  Some will disagree more.  

The question is are your potential customers reading Breitbart?  If they are, do business there.  If not, go find them and advertise there.

But I am offended by what they publish?  Shouldn’t my feelings matter?


You are not in business to have your feelings coddled.  You are not in business to generate a profit.

If you want to make political statement, go vote.  Run for office.  Be part of the process that makes a change.

If you want to be in business focus on delivering value to your customers and getting your message in front of them.


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