The EU and US have made some important changes to the ‘safe harbor’ laws, which are now being called ‘Privacy Shield.’ In order to help businesses in the US understand the new regulations and remain in compliance with them, the government has released a simple fact sheet. This fact sheet goes over some of the key points regarding what this new set of policies is and how it may impact businesses.
Here are some key points that are likely to be most impactful to marketers:
- Cooperation between the FTC and EU Data Protection Authorities is going to be strengthened under the Privacy Shield. This may mean more scrutiny for international companies and marketers.
- Consumers in the EU will be getting additional options to resolve concerns with brands at no cost to the individual.
- The US Department of Commerce will now be stepping in more directly to resolve complaints referred to them.
- The Privacy Shield makes important changes and improvements concerning how personal data is used.
While this new set of regulations is primarily directed toward companies doing business in the US or EU, marketers will need to be aware of the new requirements. Marketers often work on behalf of brands, in which case they will also need to follow the regulations associated with the new Privacy Shield policies.
You can see the full fact sheet HERE.