Sanford Wallace, Las Vegas Club Promoter and former mass spammer, known as one of the “Spam Kings,” is going to prison. Wallace, 47 has pled guilty to sending 27 million messages to Facebook users, by hacking into their accounts and then tricking other users into sending their password. Since he has plead guilty, he faces up to three years of prison and $250,00 worth of fines.
However, despite pleading to these criminal charges, Wallace continues to spam Las Vegas residents using fake names and fake accounts on Facebook, for his newest business “702 Crew” which promotes local “urban” nightlife in Las Vegas. They have been doing local events at Sauce Restaurant in Henderson, which did not return calls for comment.
As part of his sentence, he admitted that he continued to access Facebook, despite a court order that he was never allowed to use it again. He was fined from his last issue with Facebook $711 Million, but hasn’t paid a dime, claiming he is broke.
He will be sentenced December 7th, 2015.