Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Graham Dudley – CEO of Click Syndicate

Recently – I had the opportunity to meet the team of Click Syndicate in their corporate offices in Edgewater, New Jersey and in Reno, Nevada  and must admit I was blown away by their singular focus and execution. I have been in the space for a long time and interviewed over a hundred networks and leaders and not once have I been this impressed. The founders of the famous Pandora’s Box and Relationship Rewind were kind enough to sit down with me and answer some questions – hope you enjoy.

Hi Graham, thank you so much for taking the time to do this – can you tell us how you got into this industry? Who/What inspired you to enter it?

I was a small business owner on Main st. USA looking for ways to scale up on a small budget. Some of my close friends were experimenting with  I quickly realized that online marketing was the key to taking me from hole in the wall to fortune 500.

Tell me what prompted the launch of Click Syndicate? There are so many other networks out there – why this one?

I dove deep into the operations of some of the most successful networks out there today, and I found the same flaw in almost every one of them….  They don’t own the offer!!! Most networks host offers which means affiliates are dealing with:

A- middle men skimming the profit from their commission
B- people who don’t truly know the offer inside & out (lack of quality assistance)
C- old sales funnels that aren’t optimized regularly ..   These are huge problems that all result in massive hits to an affiliates wallet!

Can you talk about what challenges you have faced in launching CS and more importantly – how did you handle them?

My team really did an outstanding job, and deserve all the credit, but I can think of 2 issues since you’re pressing me!  The first was deciding on what technology would be used for the platform, and CRM.  The second was making sure affiliates understand why our network is unique.

Simply put….  We tapped into the brains of this industry’s top performers, and packaged the knowledge into resources people can really use.  Of course this formula was only complete after testing, optimizing, and repeating about 100 times.  Our work is never done here!

How do you find the Dating/Adult eco-system in the US? Is there a demand for it?

There is an extremely healthy demand that won’t be fading anytime soon. Online dating business in the US sets a worldwide standard, and I’m proud to be part of it. Im pushing for ClickSyndicate to be a major player in both mainstream, and adult dating categories.

Everyone is always looking for the next big evergreen niche with the ability to reach enormous demographics…..  this is it! You’ d be hard pressed to find combinations more powerful then the dating, and adult evergreen giant!

In your mind, what are the keys to success that will propel you into the leadership position within this niche?

Im bent on keeping ClickSyndicate tuned into the hottest trends. We’re here to produce high performing offers that fit, and we’re making sure affiliates have direct access to a steady flow of them.

You are the mastermind behind the hugely successful Pandora’s Box, Relationship Rewind and Dominant Sexual Power – can you touch upon how they came to be?

There’s no substitute for hard work, but I believe a successful offer also comes from passion, placement, and timing. I was able to produce offers based on things im passionate about… placing them not so difficult … Timing is the animal which is hardest to control, and tends to cause the greatest challenges for most.

I understand another product/brand is in the works, Spartagen – can you tell us a little bit about that?

You’re blowing the cover off our next bread winner, and it’s a testosterone booster named Spartagen XT! We’re breaking into the ever expanding world of natural supplements with a fantastic product that caters to a wide range of men.

I’ve been deeply interested in the way modern civilization weighs on human health for a long time now. People have a general understanding when it comes to health risk, but most are unaware of the dangers hidden in plane sight.

Spartagen XT is my first product aimed at countering some of these dangers. Affiliates can expect the same high converting performance we strive to deliver to all our offers along with a healthy $125 commission per sale!

There is a gap – at least a perceived one – between how advertisers/merchants conduct business vs. what publishers want. Do you think this is indeed the case, and if so, what could be the driver for narrowing this divide?

I agree with your statement to a point, but it really just comes down to giving consumers what they want. At the end of the day we’re all interested in providing a positive experience for the user. I believe the constant struggle between marketing, and customer relations will always be prevalent. This virtual tug of war can go on forever, so the best we can do is keep an open mind for now.

What is the plan for the next 1-3 years? As you know many networks come and go, what’s going to ensure you will still be around?

I really aim to keep my affiliates, and my customers happy. We intend on continuing this quest by serving up what I like to call “The Highs” ….high value, high converting, high payouts. Without affiliates, and customers, we’re nothing…  I’ll always place top priority here.

If you could give one piece of advice looking to get started in this business, what would that be?

Don’t try reinventing the wheel, give people what they want! The world is a big place, and there’s room for hundreds of thousands of thriving business’. Keep your mind open to new possibilities, and learn something from all those successful companies you see advertising everywhere!

Final question – how does one get in touch with you?

You can reach us at www.clicksyndicate.com, on Facebook.com/clicksyndicate or twitter.com/clicksyndicates

Ricky Ahuja
Ricky Ahujahttp://www.rickyahuja.com
A serial entrepreneur, Ricky Ahuja has been known and well respected for his strong acumen as an online marketer and social media expert. . His previous agency was ranked in the Top 10 on 2012 list of the “Top 10 Networks” and was most recently nominated as a Top 20 Ad Network on Blue Book survey by Revenue Performance. He is now the Director at Nutryst and working closely with John Crestani and Steve Lowry to build the leading Nutra only network.

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