Facebook is reportedly testing a new feature where they are making ‘check-in’ posts much more social. Essentially, this update would change what people see in their News Feed based on what types of things they have recently done. For example, if you check-in that you’re visiting that Grand Canyon National Park, your news feed may have pictures or posts from your friends who have visited there in the past. This can be useful in helping you to find new and exciting things in the area.
In addition, if you post that you’re reading a specific book, you may be displayed a new ‘card’ that shows which of your friends have also read that book. The same feature can be used for movies, television shows and other activities that people are posting.
According to a Facebook Spokesman, “These cards can help you discover information about where you are or what to do next, or inspire conversations with your friends around you. This feature respects all existing privacy settings, and the card would only show you information that you could already see else ware on Facebook.”
Without this feature, it is often time consuming to go to each friend to identify who has seen what movie, or read which books. With these cards, the process would be much simpler and even automated.
If the testing phase of this feature goes well, it could help to encourage more check-ins on Facebook, and that data will be available to marketers who are using Facebook ads. The more data that is available, the more targeted marketers will be able to be.
The test is only being performed on a small percentage of Facebook users, and if it is successful it will roll out to more people over time. There is no estimated launch date, or even a date by which Facebook wants to decide whether or not this feature will go live across the social network.