is one of the world’s largest retailers, where you can buy just about anything you can imagine. Most people think that Amazon just happened to start the right service at the right time, and happened to get lucky with how successful they became. The fact is, however, that Amazon can credit a lot of its success on the fact that they started one of the largest and most effective affiliate programs in the world. Thousands of people promote millions of different products through the Amazon affiliate program, earning the affiliates great income.
When it comes to starting out in affiliate marketing, Amazon is one of the best options out there. It is extremely easy to find something to promote and qualifying for their program is very simple. In addition, Amazon handles all the customer service and other back end concerns, which makes being an affiliate stress free. Simply drive traffic to through your affiliate link, and you’ll get paid a percentage of everything people buy!
Signing Up for the Affiliate Program
The affiliate program, called ‘Amazon Associates’ is extremely easy to sign up for. Simply visit the associate’s page at Once there, click the ‘Join Now for Free’ button.
You’ll then have the option to create a new account, or sign up using any existing account. You’ll have to accept some user agreements, provide some information, and read through their rules, but it only takes a few minutes to get through all of this initial signing up.
Once you’re signed up, you’ll need to choose some products to promote. You’ll be promoting them on your website, so you’ll want to choose some products related to your existing site, or else choose products you’ll want to promote on a new site you’re creating. You can actually do this step after you’ve got your site up, or now, depending on your personal preference.
To get the link to a product you want to promote, simply go to the product sales page, and you’ll see an option to ‘link to this page’ at the top of your screen on the Amazon Associates bar. It looks like this:
Once you click the link to this page button, you’ll be given several options to create text ads, image ads or text and image ads which can be placed on your site. Once you’ve got everything set the way you want it, simply copy out the HTML code they provide, and either paste it into your site, or save it for later use.
Setting up a Successful Affiliate Site
Creating a niche site designed around promoting Amazon products is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make money as an Amazon affiliate. There are many different types of niche sites, and figuring out which one will work best with the products you want to promote can be somewhat confusing. If you’re not sure what to do, however, you really can’t go wrong creating a reviews based site.
Essentially, your site will have reviews of dozens (or even hundreds) of different products. Writing a high quality review which will help people decide whether or not they want to buy a specific product is a great way to promote Amazon products. Since you will choose only products that you like, you can write positive reviews, which include your affiliate link back to the Amazon page. Remember, you’ll be most successful if you write honest reviews about products you’ve actually tried.
These reviews tend to rank well with Google and other search engines as well, so you’ll be able to get some good free traffic without too much effort. Writing up the reviews may take some practice if you’re not an experienced writer, but they aren’t hard once you get used to it. Of course, you can always hire a writer to create the reviews as well. Paying the writer once for a product review which can be on your site for years is typically a very good investment.
How much can you make?
The big question many people ask about Amazon affiliate site is how much can you make. This will depend largely on how much traffic you can drive to the site, and how well the content is written. The amount you can make per sale will also depend on the price of the products you’re selling. One important thing to keep in mind, however, is that the percentage of each sale you get will depend on how many sales you are making, according to this chart:
As you can see, the more products you sell, the higher percentage you’ll get of each sale as well. With this in mind, you may want to try to promote some low priced products that you can get a lot of sales with, as well as some high priced items that will earn you a larger commission. It is this combination that can make an Amazon affiliate most successful.
Like most types of Internet and Affiliate marketing, it will take some trial and error to see what works best for you. Fortunately, there are many plugins and other tools available to help create high quality Amazon affiliate niche sites. These tools will help even the novice get a good looking, and well converting site up quickly and easily. Once the site is up, marketers will just use the standard SEO techniques to begin driving traffic and making sales.