Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Ted Dhanik Talks Positive ROI Media Buying

Heather Vale Goss of Performance Marketing Insider interviews Ted Dhanik, CEO of Engage:BDR, about what the company offer performance marketers. In this first part of a 2-part interview, find out the various tools and platforms the multi-channel interactive advertising company has developed to enhance your business endeavors, including full-service ad network, RTB ecosystem, demand-side platform and ad-serving solution. Discover what sets them apart from the competition, including their own technology and why they’re leaders in both ad network 1.0 and 2.0. Ted also explains the advantages of real-time bidding, how it works, what you can optimize, some insider tips on bidding effectively, and why they’ve recently expanded from full serve to self serve.


Heather Vale
Heather Vale
Heather Vale is a seasoned journalist, writer and interviewer known as The Unwrapper™. For more than 20 years she has worked in all media: TV, radio, print and online. She began interviewing on the internet for the first time in 1998, and for the second time in 2005. Many of the sites she has founded revolve around her branding concept “Unwrapped” — which is about metaphorically peeling back the layers of the onion to get to the core truth in any topic.

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