Florida Resident Yuliana Avalos, who would like us to think that she is a model, has filed a $1.5B lawsuit against Match.com claiming that her photo has been used on many Match.com profiles and similar sites without her consent. According to her anywhere from hundreds to millions of profiles have been using her photos for the sole purpose of committing fraud against users of the site.
She’s pissed because, according to the complaint, she gets enough people bothering her on a regular basis saying that they saw her photo on the site, and this has caused her enormous emotional distress. Of course, if she receives any money as part of this lawsuit, she will be able to engage in extensive “shopping therapy” that will ease her pain.
Of course, Ms. Avalos admits to being a “part-time” model, which is another way of saying that her modeling career is not doing that wall. In fact, a witty commentator might actually surmise that Ms. Avalos has no paid modeling career whatsoever and this lawsuit might the only way that she is going to “launch” her career, or make any significant amount of money.
Fake profiles on dating sites really, really suck, but honestly how many people don’t know at this point that they shouldn’t be sending money to foreign countries because “Trisha” really needs money to visit you? Blaming Match.com for the stupidity of consumers is ridiculous, as is claiming that Ms. Avalos is suffering enormous emotional pain from having to be told that people are using her photos.
What are your thoughts?