During a special event from Google, they announced some impressive numbers concerning their social network, Google+. First, they have now reached 300 million active monthly users who access Google+ directly. These are the people who will see posts in the stream and actively interact with the social network. They also commented that there are 540 million people who use Google+ each month, when they include those who click the ‘+1’ on a blog, or make comments on a website which has a Google+ plugin.
Whichever number you want to go with, it is undeniable that Google+ is continuing to grow at a healthy pace. It seems that they have reached that point where they are well established and will continue to be an important factor in the social networking world. Of course, they still have a long way to go before they can compete with Facebook.
They also shared some general statistics about the social network such as the fact that over 1.5 billion photos are uploaded to Google+ each week, and that they have seen a growth of 20x in the number of videos which are uploaded to the network. Both quite impressive numbers.