When people download that great new free app they can expect to see some sort of advertisement embedded somewhere within. It is well known, and an accepted part of getting great apps without having to pay a fortune. The problem comes in when mobile advertising networks attempt to get more than they bargained for by collecting personal information without full disclosure. Some networks even attempt to pop-up advertising outside of the free app from which it was included.
The mobile advertising world is mostly unregulated, and while there are many networks which follow ethical standards, there are also quite a few which don’t. Lookout, a mobile-device management firm, put out a set of guidelines in July of 2012 which laid out standards for generally accepted practices in this area. Things like having advertising firms explain what information is being collected in plain English, and what types of actions will be taken on the user’s devices if downloaded.
Predictably some networks quickly fell in line with these guidelines, and others didn’t. Those that didn’t were blocked by Lookout, limiting their ability to ever get onto the average smart phone. There were several networks, however, that were right on the borderline with their practices. These are the networks which were recently contacted by Lookout to attempt to get them to adjust their advertisement and data collection methods.
Lookout is issuing warnings to these advertising networks that let them know that in 45 days it would begin the process of flagging all applications which used aggressive advertising methods such as adware. Several of those contacted have responded and are actively working with Lookout to have their networks brought in line with the recommended guidelines. Five of the companies which were contacted, however, have not responded at all and will likely be flagged as adware by Lookout.
In addition to simply flagging these networks as adware so people who download the app know what they are getting into, Lookout will be providing information to users who already have these apps on their devices on how to remove them. They want to ensure people can get rid of the app as well as any additional software which was installed by these unscrupulous networks.
This is the latest step by Lookout to attempt to get the mobile advertising networks to begin acting in more ethical and standard ways. As these standards continue to develop and become more adopted across the industry it will ensure app users are getting what they want from the apps they download, and nothing more.