Sunday, February 23, 2025

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How to Fix Your Link Profile for Penguin 2.0

Are you a victim of Google’s Penguin 2.0 or the “Super-Penguin,” as we are calling it here at PMI? If you’ve received the ice-cold shoulder of the Super-Penguin, there might be a few reasons that this is happening. We’ve put together a few tools and ideas how to fix your link profile and perhaps restore your search rankings in the world.

Don’t go all crazy and ask everyone linking to you to remove links. A lot of those links might provide you traffic and not be the cause of what is going on.  First of all you need to use a tool like Majestic SEO, which is easy to use on your own site and most importantly free. It’s a great way to find who is linking and then take positive steps to improve your link profile.

After you find all the links that are pointing to your site, make sure that you have a natural looking link profile. If most of the links are coming from one site, or a message board that you frequent I would highly recommend removing whatever is causing that. It’s a great way to get bad attention from the Super Penguin.

Here’s some simple ways to remove links:

1)   Ask nicely for people to remove links. You need to document how this is done, make sure to record your contact with any sites that seem to be spamming you without permission. The reason to do this is that you may have to prove to Google that you are taking positive steps, that you have emailed people to remove the links and if they didn’t, its not because you didn’t try.

2)   Use the Google Disavow Tool. It’s a great way to tell google that you don’t want these links to be considered on your profile, that they are crappy links and you aren’t involved with them.  Please note you need to sign up for Google webmaster tools.

3)   Ask Google to reconsider their slapping of you by using the reconsideration request form. This is why you will be keeping records of what you do, who you contacted, so you can show you have been actively trying to fix your link profile.

While we can’t guarantee this will work, it’s a simple way to start and many people have found these recommendations useful.

Jennifer Selleck
Jennifer Selleck
Jennifer is a former NYC based model turned business woman, and the Host of PMI-TV. She is best known for her role as a witty commentator on Facebook who doesn't take crap from anyone


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