Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Infographic: What You Should Be Doing on Twitter

When talking about marketing, any time that anybody says social media, the first thing that comes to mind is Facebook. This is certainly the case for the majority of the online marketing community, simply because just about every digital marketer uses the social network in some form or another. But, as we all know there are many other social media marketing options, the more appealing of which would be Twitter for most people. Twitter is continuing to grow in popularity among everyday internet users and marketers alike. However, many marketers find  it a bit hard to advertise on the network, as it does not quite offer as many opportunities and options as Facebook does. Of course, all social marketing poses a challenge, but for now LinchpinSEO, a digital marketing agency for small businesses, has provided some tips and guidelines for marketing with Twitter in an infographic that they have entitled “Tweet Cheat Sheet.”

Ever wonder about the little things that go along with Twitter that help increase engagement? Things such as how many hash tags you use, how long your tweets are, or if asking for a Retweet actually works to increase engagement for your Twitter campaign. As a follow up to our Facebook Cheat Sheet Infographic, we have created a Twitter Cheat Sheet Infographic. This infographic can serve as a guide to help increase Twitter interactions such as Retweets, CTR, and overall engagement.

It seems the most important information in the company’s infographic is that regarding what brings marketers the greatest engagement rates. LinchpinSEO says that engagement rates with Twitter are 17 percent higher on the weekend, even though only about 19 percent of brand Tweets occur during this time. Also, the company notes that 78 percent of engagement with Tweets from brands comes in the form of a Retweet. Next, 22 percent of engagement comes in the form of replies from users. Finally, a total of 92 percent of engagement on these Tweets is in the form of clicks on links.

It also seems that the shorter the Tweet, the better off you will be. I suppose this is true for all forms of advertising. Anybody who has had any sort of training in advertising knows that more often than not, simplicity can go far. According to the infographic, “Tweets that contain less than 100 characters receive 17 percent higher engagement than longer Tweets.” However, extending a Tweet with a hashtag or two can’t hurt, considering that the company notes in their infographic that Tweets with hashtags receive double the engagement of those without.

Twitter is a valuable destination for marketing efforts, as has been proven in the past by the many marketers that are already on the network. However, things can always be better and more effective, and LinchpinSEO has hopes that this infographic will be a bit of a help in making that improvement happen. So, if you want a bit of an edge when it comes to your next move on Twitter, take a look at this infographic and see if you can’t learn a thing or two.

Pesach Lattin
Pesach Lattinhttp://www.adotat.com
Pesach "Pace" Lattin is one of the top experts in interactive advertising, affiliate marketing. Pesach Lattin is known for his dedication to ethics in marketing, and focus on compliance and fraud in the industry, and has written numerous articles for publications from MediaPost, ClickZ, ADOTAS and his own blogs.

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