Digital marketing is still deep in a period of growth, and it can be seen through the many types of marketing on the web, such as social, search, mobile, and video. Video in particular has been doing quite well, as the everyday internet user becomes more and more interested in images and video, and less so in text. The internet marketing industry, like most others, is in a constant state of change; however video marketing is lagging behind a bit in this change. Sure, there is still ongoing growth in video marketing, but video is not quite changing and improving in the ways that other types of digital marketing are.
A company called Videology, which specializes in providing ad tools to marketers, recently released some new numbers that show evidence of the lag that video advertising is experiencing. First off, in the final quarter of 2012, the figures from Videology show a growth of 52 percent in comparison to the three months prior. With such a huge growth in just a matter of months, video marketers must be seeing great success with these ads, and it may even mean that some TV advertisers are realizing that digital is the way to go. As more ad dollars go to digital video advertising, TV advertising goes down.
However, even though there is a rapid growth in video ads according to Videology’s figures from the last quarter of 2012, their numbers also show that video advertising has not progressed far past what it was when it first began on the web. What I mean is, while most types of digital advertising have taken into consideration the way the internet world has become a multi-screen world, video advertising still takes place almost entirely on desktop platforms. In fact, the exact numbers from the company show that while only 5 percent of video ads are on mobile devices, and only 3 percent are on connected TVs, the other 92 percent of video ads are shown on desktop PCs.
Of course, these numbers do not mean that video marketing is stuck in the past, but rather the industry is just a bit behind on the times. This could potentially be because of the great performance that video ads have always seen on desktop. However, as the world becomes more focused on the mobile web, video advertising will soon make a much larger shift as well.
So, it will be very interesting to see the numbers change as far as platform shares of video advertising go. Based on the growth numbers reported by Videology in this recent research, it is easy to estimate that video will continue to grow at a rapid rate. With this growth, and the further progression of the multi-screen trend among consumers, it will not be long before the number of video ads on mobile skyrockets far above 5 percent.