Thursday, October 17, 2024

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Make 2013 Your Bitch

It is almost time to ring in the New Year! It is time for reflection, change, renewal, and celebration. The pure awesome thing about today is that yesterday is gone. No reason to look back and try to undo things you have done, but you can embrace today and look toward the future with hope. Build on yesterday’s success and learn from its failures.

Below are ten inspirational, motivational quotes from some of the most respected people in the industry; quotes that may encourage you as you begin the journey into the promises of 2013.

  • I learned from an old school advertising expert about 10 years ago one thing I never forgot. Too many companies and people work on strengthening their weaknesses, instead of focusing on their strengths. Do what you are good at and focus on that, and find team members and help from people on the other stuff. The idea that you are as strong as the weakest link is true: so don’t have weak links ~ Pace Lattin, Perform Insider
  • Stay focused and be true to your company core values to prevail in 2013 by continuing to providing uniqueness and excelled customer service all around. To a wonderful and prosperous year ahead ~ Joy Miskovich, Offer Web
  • 2013 is the year of sustainability. Growth will come from a combination of compliance, quality, and sustainable revenue. Advertisers and publishers must work together in a win win environment to have sustainable success ~ Scott Yamano, Dedicated Media
  • Take care of your affiliates/vendors without them you have nothing ~ Brandon Rosen, Crush Ads
  • Do what you are most passionate about with people you care about. Success and satisfaction will follow ~ Jennine Rexon, Rex Direct
  • Treat strangers you encounter the way you would want strangers to treat your family and loved ones ~ Mary Dihn, Meritus Payment
  • Keep on digging until all your questions are answered. No means “know” as in I want to know more to overcome your “no” ~ Chris Kautz, Affiliate Venture Group
  • Admire without jealousy, praise without flattering, follow without imitating, and lead without manipulating ~ Brian McLevis, Scrub Kit
  • 2013 is not just a new year it’s a new opportunity. When the ball dropped your old problems or lack of traffic is behind you. Start looking at today as tomorrow new ventures, checks in the bank, deposits have been verified. You control and have the keys to your future so put the keys in and take this puppy for a ride and I suggest in 2013 you ride it till the wheels fall off.. Because if your gonna do anything give it a 110% and know you left it all out there.. You a blogger till you can’t blog no more.. You a emailer, email everyone you know and everyone they know.. You do PPC than get a loan and best of luck but leave it all on the SERPS. Unfortunately a year from now you won’t be thinking what your doing on that day but possible what you didn’t do over the last year. So here’s your chance now to make 2013 a year to never forget ~ Rodney Granderson
  • Surround yourself with people smarter than yourself to help you formulate and execute your vision. This way, instead of dreaming about great accomplishments, you can stay awake and actually do them ~ Ricky Ahuja, Affiliate Venture Group

May this be the best year of your life! I know it will be for me.



Ricky Ahuja
Ricky Ahuja
A serial entrepreneur, Ricky Ahuja has been known and well respected for his strong acumen as an online marketer and social media expert. . His previous agency was ranked in the Top 10 on 2012 list of the “Top 10 Networks” and was most recently nominated as a Top 20 Ad Network on Blue Book survey by Revenue Performance. He is now the Director at Nutryst and working closely with John Crestani and Steve Lowry to build the leading Nutra only network.

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