Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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$14k Profit Media Buying Seminar with MixRank

Performance Marketing Insider with Murray Newlands hosted our first Media Buying Seminar on Thursday with over 300 people in attendance online. Murray Newlands spoke with Ilya Lichtenstein, the CEO of MixRank and a former super affiliate media buyer about techniques and methods. Ilya then went in-depth with a presentation on how to buy media in an innovative way that will help assure that more media buys are profitable, and gives an example of a media buy that eventually made $14k profit. This is perhaps one of the best seminars on media buying that you’ll find — and it’s 100% free, thanks to a sponsorship by MixRank.

Try MixRank for Media Buyers only for $1

Murray Newlands
Murray Newlandshttp://murraynewlands.com
Murray Newlands is a reporter with PMI-TV. Before that he was an affiliate marketer in England, trying his hand at making money online. Now he interviews people who make money online for a living!


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