Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Killing Indian Traffic with Ricky Ahuja

Ricky Ahuja is the President of Affiliate Venture Group, named this year as one of the top three CPA affiliate networks . He talks to Murray Newlands of PMI-TV about how Affiliate Venture Group has grown over the last few years especially because of their acceptance of international traffic, especially with a focus on traffic from India. He goes in depth on why working in India is working, making them a lot of money and how to manage any special international relationships. Definitely an interesting interview from a leader in the industry on how he’s grown his company while facing stiff competition.

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Murray Newlands
Murray Newlands
Murray Newlands is a reporter with PMI-TV. Before that he was an affiliate marketer in England, trying his hand at making money online. Now he interviews people who make money online for a living!

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