Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Alleged Corrupt NYPD Police Officer Fought with Social Media

Technorati– When NYPD Police Officer Mehtab Malhi bought the house at 2842 Brigham Street in October 2011 he wanted to move his entire family into the house. Unfortunately for him, there were already residents in the house including New York Times best Selling Author Bryan Eisenberg. According to Eisenberg, that is where the trouble immediately started. According to Eisenberg, Malhi made it very clear from the start that he was a NYPD officer and that because of that, things were going to go his way.

Unfortunately for Malhi, he picked the wrong person to allegedly bully. Eisenberg is not only a best selling author, but a best selling author about, among other things, social media. He has a network of hundreds of thousands of people who follow him on Twitter, Facebook and other social sites. In response to the issues he was facing, he created a blog to document his issues.

Eisenberg says that while at first Malhi offered to pay Eisenberg to move, things started to quickly get very bad with Malhi moving as much as dozen of his relatives into one of the units and then packing the hallways wsith garbage. Additionally, it seems that Malhi confronted Eisenberg on several occasions explaining the “rules” of what it meant to go against a NYPD Officer. Those confrontations often ended up with police officers from the local precinct started coming around, ticketing select cars, seemingly to make a point.

Eisenberg points out that he is not doing this in order to retaliate, but because he has no other options. It seems that despite recording the harassment and late at night noise, that he claims is happening to force him to leave, the local precinct has been ignoring his complaints. NYPD has refused to respond to them, closing them out, reportedly because a NYPD Officer at the residence is dealing with them. Who is that officer? Eisenberg says its Malhi, making sure that nothing is done.

Eisenberg’s social media campaign seems to have worked. NYPD Internal Affairs has now launched an investigation into Malhi after Eisenberg’s story landed on Commissioner Rayond Kelly’s desk. Also, City Councilmember Lew Filder has taken the case, personally contacting FDNY, NYPD and Sanitation to ensure that appropriate actions are taken.

Of the entire ordeal, Eisenberg says of it on his blog, “We want our kids to learn that you don’t have to be scared or run away when you are bullied. There are three sides to every story. Each side has their perceptions and unfortunately nowhere in between is there a real objective truth. What we hope that our kids take away from this situation, as uncomfortable as it is for them now, is that you if you don’t stand up for yourself no one will.”

Pesach Lattin
Pesach Lattin
Pesach "Pace" Lattin is one of the top experts in interactive advertising, affiliate marketing. Pesach Lattin is known for his dedication to ethics in marketing, and focus on compliance and fraud in the industry, and has written numerous articles for publications from MediaPost, ClickZ, ADOTAS and his own blogs.


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