Friday, March 14, 2025

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Three Effective List Building Methods

List Building continues to be one of the most effective methods of keeping visitors and bringing them back again and again. If you are doing a great job on PPC, CPV or any type of media buying, driving to someone else’s offer, you need to consider doing list building first. The benefits of capturing users first, and then sending them the original offer and then other offers can significantly grow your revenue. Here are a few methods of list building that can be highly effective.

1)      Use AWeber with a Facebook Fan page. Simple technique that actually has been done a lot. The theory behind this is that Facebook will approve fan pages and the ads that direct, than ads with similar text that promote outside of Facebook. For example, if you are promoting MLM or Work From Home products, you can make a page called “Make $500 a day From Home” and promote the fan page, and the AWeber form.  This is a highly effective method of getting consumers who are interested in a specific topic, for example, dog training, or weight loss — it gets them involved, gets them on a list and then you can target more than one specific offer to them, plus then target them again on the Facebook Fan Page. (Free test-drive of Aweber here)

2)      Audio and Video. According to Vernessa Taylor this is a great method. Obviously has been done, but a lot of affiliates aren’t trying this in capturing their own emails and creating lists. Audio and video will often not only increase subscription rates, but allow you to convey information to potential subscribers, and create a connection.  Highly recommended that you start as soon as someone enters the page and get them to subscribe asap. There are many great FLV Players, but here’s a simple one that has a free version that looks good.

3)      Use a Viral Rewards Program. Yes, you’ve probably read about this before, but its not used that often in building offer list. This method could be highly effective, especially if you can reward possible consumers with a reason to promote to their friends.  Remember, people are interested in not only learning more about a product, but would love to get that product for free. If you offer that they can get that product for free if there refer # number of friends, or perhaps a contest to get a similar product or something else, the opportunities are endless.   I see this working really well for subscriber based models (similar to Netflix) where yuo can get people to first subscribe to learn about Netflix and other offers, and offer a discount, or giftcard for signing up their friends.

Here’s a great viral program that is highly recommended.

With all these techniques, I am trying to push the idea that sending JUST to a CPA advertisement, just to the affiliate advertisement is not always the best idea. You’ll make short term money, but sometimes those users are more valuable to be on a list. They will convert off the email list also – especially if you promise them more information about the product, a discount, or a special offer.  Once you have them on the list, you can track them, find who converts, remarket to them and do much more. They are much more valuable then, and can continue to make you great income.

(Do a free test of Aweber here)

Pesach Lattin
Pesach Lattin
Pesach "Pace" Lattin is one of the top experts in interactive advertising, affiliate marketing. Pesach Lattin is known for his dedication to ethics in marketing, and focus on compliance and fraud in the industry, and has written numerous articles for publications from MediaPost, ClickZ, ADOTAS and his own blogs.


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